Sunday, August 29, 2004


I've done a post like this before, but it was a long time ago and on a personal blog that I think is now completely gone. But here it goes:

When I was little, near the beginning of the school year, my mom would tell me a story-- a parable, really-- about how I should approach my new grade. She'd tell me that it was like a new pair of slippers... at first they wouldn't be comfortable, but once I'd worn them for a while I would be impatient to put them on again.
Even though she hasn't told me this story in YEARS, I think about it this time of year. Last time I posted this, I think I was about to be a freshman in high school, and I thought that it was a huge, immense step. It was, but in hindsight it seems so easy. Of course, I've grown so much over the last four years. I've been across the country by myself for weeks at a time, flown alone to California (something I used to think was so grown-up to do) so many times now that I'd have to think for a minute to figure out just how many.

For the first time, though, I'm preparing to really establish a life away from my family. It's especially different for me right now because my family is in a sort of transit period for the first time in years-- we may be moving, in a year, sooner, in three years... maybe to the Birkshires (about two hours away) or to Florida (one of the few state's I've never even been to!). Everything is very much up in the air. I'm having to think in temporary terms because, not only will I be spending the majority of the next few months away at school, the home I'd usually expect to come home to might not be here in a few months.

So I have to wonder, will these slippers ever become really worn in? Life at school will, I'm sure. But other than that (and this is a really superficial analogy, but it works for me!) life right now might be more like my favorite pair of heels. They're never going to be comfortable like slippers, but when I wear them, I feel so good about myself! Maybe wearing this life will be a sign of my inner character, of my resiliance and my willingness to be led where Christ may lead me and my family. And when things are settled again, I can buy a totally new pair of shoes.

All that said, though, I'd love it if you could keep my family in your prayers, especially my dad, who is facing a big career change. Let the Lord show him a clear path in all this confusion :)


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